Monday, January 23, 2012

What is Your Purpose?

Hi everyone.  In this post, I'am going to use a quote from Dr. Myles Munroe's book that we have been studying, "UNDERSTANDING THE PURPOSE AND POWER OF A WOMAN."

But this quote can be applied to anybody, man or woman, and just about anything in your life.  He said this, "Where purpose is not know, abuse is inevitable.  If you don't know the purpose of a thing, all you will do is abuse it, no matter how sincere, committed, serious, or innocent you are."  He then said, "We shouldn't attempt to use anything until we find out why it exists, because when we don't know what the maker intended for it, we will not treat his creation appropriately.  If you don't know the purpose for your existence, then not matter how earnest or sincere you are, all you can do is abuse your life." 

That statement was profound, so here is the three part question.  What happens when we don't know the real reason and purpose for our/your existence? 
And, do you know yours?  And if you do or do not know your purpose, then how does that make you feel knowing or not knowing?

Now, tell me what you think.


Dresha said...

I know my purpose and I love my purpose it fits me. I tried to run from my purpose, that did not work; cannot run from your purpose...

Anonymous said...

When you don't know the reason for your existence,you spend your life looking for something or someone to make you feel content, happy, fulfilled, and complete. You may end up with people who don't have your best interest at heart or have destructive behavior. We exist to give God praise and to be His glory on Earth. I know my purpose. For me it's a process. I haven't fulfilled my purpose, and it's frustrating.